Monday 3 November 2014

Research - Working on Coloured Grounds

For the Project ,'Working on different coloured grounds' it was suggested that I look at oil sketches by Rubens and by Constable. I have posted links to a couple of examples of sketches by each artist below:

Rubens Oil Sketch 1
Rubens Oil Sketch 2

In both of the examples above Rubens has used a warm earth colour as the ground and has added darker and lighter tonal values to create form. The warm background colour unifies the compositions. 

Constable Oil Sketch 1
Constable Oil Sketch 2

The first sketch by Constable above is one of his famous cloud studies and one of the more dramatic examples of cloud formations. He has also used a warm ground although the sky is shades of grey and black but a hint of the warm ground shows through in the sky towards the horizon and a stronger warm tone is used for the beach. 
In the second sketch, he has used a dark ground and has painted with lighter tones onto this ground. There is dramatic tonal variation here. I particularly like the grainy dynamic diagonal brush strokes used on the sky and the hints of the dark ground showing through this adding texture, depth and visual interest. This also helps again to unify the painting by echoing some of the shapes in the trees.

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